Gespeichert von admin am Sa, 10/26/2019 - 19:15
The final public workshop in Saxony will take place at the 14th of November in Dresden. The colleagues of TUL are preparing the public workshop in Czech Republic, the probable date is in week 45. The Czech partners are asked to find a date and an agenda for their final public workshop.
Gespeichert von admin am Sa, 10/26/2019 - 19:14
The colleagues of TUD will have their conference on OER at the 26th of September. They will present our project on this conference. The colleagues of Freiberg prepare their publication for the "International Academic Conference on Teaching, Learning and E-learning" in Dresden. Colleagues of UJEP preparing the documents for the conference "Aluminum a neželezné kovy", where they will present the project. All partners are again highly requested to publish.
Gespeichert von admin am Sa, 10/26/2019 - 19:12
The colleagues of UJEP upgraded the Facebook page. They also made an upgrade of the YouTube channel. The colleagues of UJEP also made a calendar with the use of a photo from the cross-border-workshop.
Gespeichert von admin am Sa, 10/26/2019 - 19:10
The 11th project meeting took place at 21st of August in Usti n.L. The minutes of the meeting are finished and all partners are informed. The colleagues of Freiberg will host the next project meeting. The date will be between middle of November and beginning of December 2019, the colleagues of Freiberg will prepare a doodle-poll to find a date.
Gespeichert von admin am Sa, 10/26/2019 - 19:02
The colleagues from TUD are preparing their 6th project report for the period from February until July 2019. The deadline for this is the 30th of August.
Gespeichert von admin am Sa, 10/26/2019 - 19:02
The work for the final publication is going on. UJEP added the chapter 7 in three languages: Czech, English and German. TUBAF does further work on the book publication. The colleagues of TUD-MMT and TUD-PAZATs held several meetings for the actual state of the final publication.
Gespeichert von admin am Sa, 10/26/2019 - 19:01
Colleagues from TUL are preparing a conference on “Manufacturing systems today and tomorrow” (topic Human Resource in Manufacturing). The conference will be held in Czech language at the 7th and 8th of November in 2019. There will be multi lingual conference proceedings with (original and English) printed abstracting and electronic proceeding. English contribution is preferred, but authors can also write in mother language (Czech/Slovakian/Polish/German/English) as conference is focused not only or research but on coop with companies.
Gespeichert von admin am Sa, 10/26/2019 - 19:00
Colleagues of Usti and Freiberg held 2 cross-border-workshop for students. The first one was in Freiberg at the 19th of June, the second one was in Usti at the 25th of June. More information to come.
Gespeichert von admin am Sa, 10/26/2019 - 18:58
Colleagues from TUL are working on bug-fixing and integrating new builds from their partners. They are also preparing and considering integration of a simple cnc simulator Furthermore they are preparing a scenario for capacity planning and they are working on making workpiece document dynamic, so it can be fulfilled by player.
Colleagues from Freiberg working on the creation and provision of the pilot software v2.2 as build and Unity package.
Gespeichert von admin am Sa, 10/26/2019 - 18:58
Colleagues of Usti and Freiberg are preparing a cross-border-workshop for students witch will be at the 19th and 25th of June in Freiberg and Usti.